Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Costume Society Award!

I have been very lucky to be one of two people chosen to receive an award for the work I'm doing with Martin and the Regency exhibition at Brighton.
I will receive £500 for the garments I'm making and I will write a paper reflecting on my experience to be published on the Costume Society website and in the journal.
It is a curator's choice to nominate volunteers they work with and I am very fortunate that Martin nominated me, and that the work I'm doing was thought of as valuable enough by the Costume Society to receive an award.

From the website:
'The Society promotes every aspect of the study of clothing and textiles: The society aims to encourage access to costume history,

including contemporary dress in various different ways, our appeal is wide-ranging and object-based. Our members include academics, collectors, curators, designers, re-enactors, students and informed enthusiasts across the world. What we have in common is our wish to provide the best and most varied opportunities to study this fascinating topic.'

Hopefully soon they will update their website to list the 2009 winners.

For more information visit the website at:

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